We can deliver as many dumpsters as you need in Texas!

You can get a roll off dumpster rental in TX for virtually any type of project that requires cost-effective waste removal. Whether you need a dumpster rental in Texas for a small, residential project such as a home renovation or household cleanout—or you need a dumpster rental for big projects and commercial construction—we have a wide variety of options for you to choose from.

Sizes (cu yds.)LengthWidthHeightWeight
20 Yard Dumpster22’8’4’3”4,350 lbs.
30 Yard Dumpster22’8’5’9”4,950 lbs.
40 Yard Dumpster22’8’7’9”5,760 lbs.
50 Yard Dumpster27’8’7’9”8,200 lbs.
Whatever the reason for your TX dumpster rental, count on United States Disposal Services. We can deliver as many dumpsters as you need, on-time, wherever you need them. We’ll take care of every aspect of your TX dumpster rental, enabling you to:
Clean up a construction or demolition site. Keep your site organized and clean with large, mobile units that can quickly and easily be moved on and off site.
Dispose of municipal solid waste. Count on our roll off dumpster rental in TX that is totally durable—perfect for temporary events or ongoing disposal.
Handle general waste needs. Be ready of anything and everything with your roll off dumpster rental in TX.
Serve as a yard waste dumpster. Position our small 20-cu yd. open top container in a convenient place in your yard, or easily maneuver it around multiple areas.
Perform residential cleanup. Take care of your general debris cleanup with a 20-cu yd. open container that holds furniture, carpet, tables, chairs, boxes, clothes, appliances, attic and garage debris.
Recycle materials. Rely on USDS when you’ve got a larger recycling project that requires dumpster mobility and efficiency.
Get rid of scrap metal. Meet the scrap metal challenge with a TX dumpster rental that offers you the ultimate resiliency in handling disposals.
Help convert waste to energy. Make our larger 50-cu yd. open top containers a part of your next waste-to-energy project.
Withstand corrosive industrial waste. Use your dumpster rental in Texas to withstand materials that are unavoidable in certain types of projects.
It’s no mystery why we’re a hugely popular choice for a roll off dumpster rental in TX. We offer:
Complete reliability for the delivery, setup, servicing and pickup of your dumpster rental in Texas.
Proven durability in which every TX dumpster rental is solid to the core and made of high-quality materials.
Everyday affordability that ensures your roll off dumpster rental is a smart, economical move.
Unparalleled availability, since we nearly always have enough inventory in-stock locally, and we always have the ability to quickly supply you with a dumpster rental in Texas from our regional headquarters.
Austin, TX
Buda, TX
Corpus Christi, TX
Dallas, TX
El Paso, TX
Houston, TX
Mansfield, TX
San Antonio, TX
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